Tim Westwood leaves Capital Xtra radio show following sexual assault allegations

Former Radio 1 DJ Tim Westwood has stepped down from his Capital Xtra radio show following sexual assault allegations made against him.

Westwood, 64, was accused of opportunistic and predatory sexual behaviour as well as instances of unwanted touching in incidents that are said to have occurred between 1992 and 2017. The accusations came to light in a joint investigation from The Guardian and BBC News, published yesterday (April 26). Westwood denies all allegations.

In a statement, a spokesperson for Global Radio, the company that controls Capital Xtra, said: “Following the claims that have recently come to light, Tim Westwood has stepped down from his show until further notice.”

Seven women, who are all black, gave detailed accounts to The Guardian. They claimed to have met Westwood through his work. Some accused the DJ of abusing his power within the music industry in order to exploit women.

The alleged victims – whose names have been changed – also gave testimony as part of a new 30-minute documentary, Tim Westwood: Abuse of Power, which aired on BBC Three last night. It is available to watch now via the BBC iPlayer.

Tim Westwood
Tim Westwood. CREDIT: Getty

Three out of the seven women have accused Westwood of opportunistic and predatory sexual behaviour after they agreed to meet him for what they believed to be a discussion regarding the music industry or their own work.

They were aged 17, 19 and 20 at the time of the alleged incidents.

An additional four women have claimed that the DJ groped them while they were attending one of his club night sets.

Per The Guardian’s report, none of the women have reported the alleged assaults to the police. They are not known to each other and have never spoken, it is reported.

Westwood presented the first national rap show in the UK on BBC Radio 1. In 2013, he left the station after almost 20 years. Westwood moved to Capital XTRA where he was hosting a programme on Saturday nights.

He has won the Best UK Radio DJ award at the MOBOs three times: in 2000, 2003 and 2005.

For help, advice or more information regarding sexual harassment, assault and rape in the UK, visit the Rape Crisis charity website. In the US, visit RAINN.