These Arms Are Snakes reuniting for show in August

After teasing a return by launching a new Instagram account earlier this month, These Arms Are Snakes are back in action. At least for one show. “Hi. We’re playing at Neumos in Seattle WA on August 28th 2021 with our buds Filth Is Eternal and Dust Moth,” they wrote in an Instagram post today. Tickets for that Neumos show are on sale now.

This is These Arms Are Snakes’ first show since their surprise reunion show in 2016 which was their first since calling it quits in 2010. Let’s hope there are more on the way — and some new music too. Stay tuned.

The photo here is from TAAS’ Instagram and was taken by Leia Jospe at a 2009 BrooklynVegan day party in Austin.