Steve Edwards Rocks His Debut Single “Colour of Blood”

Steve Edwards’ debut Single “Colour of Blood” is a stellar modern rock creation that reflects the artist’s creative approach. This new song is meant to grab the listener’s attention immediately and carry them on a journey to discover things unknown and it does just that. The melodic, dreamy vibes and Steve Edwards’ powerful voice paint quite a picture while the visuals are simply hypnotizing. 

A teaser for the upcoming album Born, “Colour of Blood” already had thousands of views. The New Zealand-based singer previously spent several years in the UK, honing his skills and gaining popularity with his hit single “One by One” that exploded without having a music video or a marketing campaign. As time went on, Steve Edwards returned to New Zealand, got married and built a family, and now he is finally back in the game, making great music that fans cannot wait to hear.

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