“The Batman”‘s new batsuit was revealed by director Matt Reeves on Thursday, when he shared  on social media. In the brief clip, fans get a glimpse of Pattinson as Batman donning the latest version of the DC superhero’s famous costume.

Reeves also revealed that the score playing during the red-tinted clip was crafted by his frequent collaborator and Academy Award-winning composer, Michael Giacchino. In October, Reeves orchestrated a mock proposal to Giacchino in order to lock down the composer for the project. The Batman will mark Reeves’ and Giacchino’s fifth time working together.

As for the costume itself, fans are already speculating that one of the details of the latest version of Batman’s suit has some significant origin relations. It’s been suggested that the bat symbol on the chest of the costume is made up of the pieces of the gun that killed Bryce Wayne’s parents.

Others are noting the undeniable similarities between this batsuit and the costume worn by Marvel superhero, Daredevil, in the former Netflix series.

 in The Batman are , Paul Dano as the Riddler, , Andy Serkis as Alfred Pennyworth, , , and more. Reeves announced a few weeks ago that  The Batman is set to be released on June 25, 2021.