has been active in the rap game for two decades and, over time, he’s made a lot of money. Not only is the Miami legend a successful recording artist, but he’s also an author, an entrepreneur, a record executive, and more. The leader of , Ross has worked closely with , , , , and others. With all the accomplishments he’s celebrated over twenty years, a mogul like The Bawse deserves to unwind in a palace. Turns out, that’s exactly what he’s doing.

Rick Ross is lucky enough to call this place home, quarantining inside the most celestial looking Miami property. He recently showed off a photo of his yard after tending to the grass and, oh lord, it’s beautiful.

A gorgeous hedge garden surrounds a pond, which leads to the home’s entrance. The rapper’s initials are a central focus on the decoration, which extends to include what appears to be acres of land. A vast field is present to surround his crib, allowing him to get in a nice morning workout anytime he pleases.

Of course, Rozay needed to subtly flex one of his vintage cars, placing it at the end of the drive-way and proving how spacious his palace truly is.

Check out the picture below.