Kayo Dot announce new album ‘Moss Grew on the Swords and Plowshares Alike,’ share new song

Genre-defying metal/avant-garde band Kayo Dot announced a new album, Moss Grew on the Swords and Plowshares Alike, due October 29 via Prophecy Productions (pre-order). The first single is the proggy, nine-and-a-half minute “Void in Virgo (The Nature of Sacrifice).” Speaking about it, lyricist Jason Byron says, “Nature personified exacts her revenge upon the slothful and self-centered human race. The people who have sacrificed her upon the altar of greed have failed to realize that they themselves are her, and that as they murder Nature they only murder themselves.”

It comes with a video directed by Nick Hudson, who adds, “The video is a through-composed montage of textural frames evoking the supplanting of the urban by nature, drawing on wholly in-camera effects in the tradition of – for example – Stan Brakhage, Hollis Frampton, and Douglas Trumbull.”

Check it out below…

1. The Knight Errant
2. Brethren of the Cross
3. Void in Virgo (The Nature of Sacrifice)
4. Spectrum of One Colour
5. Get out of the Tower
6. The Necklace
7. Epipsychidion