Yonaka and Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly to headline latest Five4Five festival

Digital music festival Five4Five has announced its return to raise funds for the Music Venue Trust’s #SaveOurVenues crisis fund.

It comes after the festival hosted its first edition in May, with performances from the likes of Don Broco and Yonaka helping to raise £50,000 for the NHS.

Joining Yonaka and Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly are the likes of Holding Absence, The Dangerous Summer, Normandie, Vukovi, Lizzy Farrall, Hacktivist, Delaire The Liar, Nova Twins, Holiday Oscar, Chapter and Verse, Snake Eyes, As Everything Unfolds, Weatherstate, The Rhythm Method, Tally Spear, Stay Free, Anavae, Paper Mill and Haggard Cat.


Yonaka said: “We are dead excited to be headlining this festival. It’s for a great cause for everyone to get involved in, saving the grassroots venues that we have all had a great time in. We all want to get sweaty and moshy again so do what you can to help and enjoy the show!”

Mark Davyd, Music Venue Trust CEO, added: “Since March, Music Venue Trust has been fighting to ensure we reopen every grassroots music venue safely. Through a huge effort by artists, audiences and communities, many of our vital iconic venues are now safe, but there’s still more work to do with some venues at real risk of permanently closing before the crisis ends.”

The event will be streamed here from 7.30PM each evening, with viewers encouraged to donate.

Last month, the Music Venue Trust pinpointed  30 venues nationwide that are at risk of closure during the pandemic.


Tom Pullen, Five4Five Fest co-founder, commented: “The past, present and future of the UK music industry relies on grassroots, independent music venues. We at Five4Five can’t stand by and watch as our venues are left to weather the Covid-19 crisis on their own.

“We’re proud to partner up with the Music Venue Trust to help ensure they can reopen safely, so we can go back to the loud and sweaty spaces where it all begins. In the meantime, we’ve gathered some of the finest acts to enjoy from the comfort of your own sofa. We hope you enjoy and donate if you can.”