Year of the Knife involved in car crash; one member in critical condition, others injured

Delaware metallic hardcore band Year of the Knife were involved in a serious car crash that’s left bassist Madi Watkins in critical condition and other members with broken bones and other trauma, The PRP reports. A post from guitarist Brandon Watkins’ father reads:

Family and friends, Our son (Brandon), our daughter in law (Madi) and their two “Year of the Knife” band mates, Andy and Aaron, were touring out west and were involved in a terrible accident after a show in Salt Lake City,UT. It’s been a heart wrenching time for all families involved. Brandon was concussed, but is miraculously ok. Aaron and Andy both sustained broken legs and other trauma…but are stable now and recovering. Madi is in critical condition with major trauma. Please keep her in your prayers.

The band also tweeted, “We got in a REALLY bad accident. Everyone’s alive. We’re stuck in SLC,” and added on their Instagram story, “Please send love and prayers for Madi. She needs it, I don’t know what else to do.”

We’ll update if we learn more. We’re pulling for you, Madi.