Willie Nelson’s Luck Reunion petitioning to make 4/20 a national holiday

In news you just can’t make up, the team behind Willie Nelson‘s Luck Reunion are behind a new petition to make 4/20 a national holiday. The announcement reads:

Ever feel like twenty-four hours isn’t enough time for your 4/20 celebration? Well, you’re in Luck. Team Luck is collecting signatures to petition the U.S government for the “High Holidays” to be nationally celebrated. Luck’s iteration of the High Holidays begins on 4/20, of course, and ends with a celebration of Willie Nelson’s birthday, which falls on 4/29. This petition, while slightly in jest, aims to destigmatize cannabis usage and users, and to broaden the dialogue with Congress re: decriminalization and the many benefits of the Cannabis plant.

Help us: Luck Presents is petitioning the Biden Administration and Congress to make 4/20 to 4/29 the national “High Holidays” in honor of Willie Nelson’s contribution to the cannabis industry, and to celebrate his birthday. Sign the petition here. More info here.

He said it best: Willie Nelson, the unofficial patron saint of weed, said, “I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?”

This comes just two days after New York officially legalized marijuana.

Read the Luck Reunion team’s latter to the Biden administration below: