Whoever has been wasting their time trying to roast for still using his iPhone 7 should just give up. There is no use trying to clown the man for something so… unimportant. At the end of the day, if he’s had no reason to replace the cellular device, then why would he be flaunting the brand new iPhone 11 with three cameras on the back? Clearly, he enjoys his old school phone, preferring to use it until the battery runs out and then copping something new. In fact, the next person who comes through trying to diss Tyler for his phone will be met with a swift retort that he’s already tried out on Twitter.

Kevin Winter/Getty Images
Don’t come for Tyler if you don’t have your own situation in check yet. Especially if you’re still living at home or you’ve got roommates, there’s no point in trying. Taking to social media, the Grammy-nominated IGOR rapper told fans that he’s sick of the iPhone 7 slander, writing: “N***as be like eW tYlEr u hAvE aN iPhOnE 7 and im like eww u have a roommate leave me alone.” At least Tyler has himself a nice little mansion to go home to with his iPhone 7.
What’s wrong with having an older model of the iPhone when you’ve got endless cash to buy a new one whenever you want? Obviously, Tyler is just feeling the old design.