The Fall of Troy playing ‘Doppelgänger’ anniversary shows
The Fall of Troy's progressive post-hardcore classic Doppelgänger turned 15 last year, when just about all live music was cancelled due to the pandemic, and now that concerts are back, the band will give the album a belated celebration with shows in Chicago and NYC this November.
The Chicago show happens November 14 at Concord Music Hall and the NYC show happens November 19 at Brooklyn Monarch. General admission tickets for Brooklyn are sold out but VIP tickets are still available; tickets and more info for both shows here.
We included Doppelgänger in our list of 15 albums that shaped progressive post-hardcore in the 2000s, writing:
Bands like The Mars Volta, Coheed, and Circa Survive were huge back in the day, but the comparatively underrated The Fall of Troy have recently been emerging as one of the most influential 2000s progressive post-hardcore bands on today's new bands. They get namedropped more and more as an influence, and if you didn't know any better, you could mistake their seminal 2005 album Doppelgänger as something from today's heavy music scene. It was their second album but first for Equal Vision and featured re-recordings of four songs from their self-titled 2003 debut, so it really felt like their proper introduction and it's got all the ingredients of their unique sound on display: flashy math rock riffs, proggy song structures, and a flamboyant scream/sung mix that owed as much to '90s screamo as it did to 2000s emo-pop. Doppelgänger's an album that can be appreciated by guitar nerds and radio listeners alike, and that "best of both worlds"-ness is a big part of what makes it stand the test of time. It's got more musicality than a lot of the pop-screamo bands it sounds like on the surface, and unlike a lot of TFOT's tech-y peers, it's got big hooks that stick in your head for years.
Stream the album below…