continues to earn praise from his peers, with many going so far as to dub the Compton resident “next up.” A little while back,  Deimon took to Twitter to celebrate the young hitmaker, predicting the long and prosperous road ahead. Industry savvy mind that he is, it’s no surprise to see Russ highlight Ricch’s songwriting as his defining characteristic, a reminder that vision and creativity remain the key to longevity.

Russ Forsees Roddy Ricch Having Success & Longevity

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“Roddy Ricch gonna be here for a loonnnng time,” he states, more fact than prediction. “Great songwriters always stick around.” As of yet, Ricch has yet to respond to Russ’ praise; after all, he is by his own admission “antisocial.” For now, take it for what it is – Russ singing the praises of a fellow artist, all while establishing his own musical priorities and values.  

And while some have accused Russ of hopping the bandwagon, his assessment remains in character, low-key industry expert that is he. We’ve long seen Russ speak on the state of the business, and one has to wonder if he’s positioning himself for an eventual career shift. Would you like to see a collaboration between these two?