R. Kelly’s YouTube channels removed following conviction for racketeering & sex trafficking

Two of R. Kelly's YouTube channels, RKellyTV and RKellyVevo, have been removed from the platform following his conviction for racketeering and sex trafficking in September, Reuters reports. "We can confirm that we have terminated two channels linked to R. Kelly in accordance with our creator responsibility guidelines," a YouTube spokesperson told Reuters in a statement. The service also confirmed to Reuters that Kelly wouldn't be able to create or own any YouTube accounts, and that if he created a new one, it would be deleted.

Kelly's music will, however, still be available on YouTube Music, and videos uploaded by other users will remain available.

In 2018, Spotify removed R. Kelly and XXXTentacion from editorial and algorithmic playlists in accordance with a "Hate Content & Hateful Conduct" policy. Kelly's team objected to the move, saying that he "never has been accused of hate," and Spotify eventually removed the policy, saying "the language was too vague." Apple Music and Pandora also stopped promoting Kelly's music on their platforms around the same time.