Quasi touring around Hopscotch and Riot Fest
Quasi (Janet Weiss & Sam Coomes) are playing Riot Fest and Hopscotch in September, and around those appearances will do a little East Coast / Midwest touring. Things kick off September 6 in Hamden, CT and from there hit NYC, Baltimore, Minneapolis and Kalamazoo. All dates are listed below.
The NYC show is at Brooklyn Made on September 7. Tickets are on sale now.
Quasi released Breaking the Balls of History, their first album in a decade, earlier this year. Listen to that below.
WED, Sep 6 Space Ballroom, Hamden, CT
THU, Sep 7 Brooklyn Made, Brooklyn , NY
FRI, Sep 8 Ottobar, Baltimore, MD
SAT, Sep 9 Hopscotch Music Festival, Raleigh, NC
TUE, Sep 12 7th Street Entry, Minneapolis, MN
THU, Sep 14 Bell’s Eccentric Cafe & Brewery , Kalamazoo, MI
FRI, Sep 15 Riot Fest Chicago, Chicago, IL