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24 New Songs Out Today

So many artists, so many songs, so little time. Each week we review a handful of new albums (of all genres), round …

Kara Jackson: “Pawnshop”

When your affection has been repeatedly hoarded and discarded by those you’ve deemed precious enough to receive it, you start …

Kali Uchis: “Moonlight”

Kali Uchis operates under the pleasure principle, her songs conveying the beauties of life through precious platitudes—“after the storm’s when …

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What’s Going on Friday?

TONIGHT IN NYC: Nas @ Madison Square Garden Puzzled Panther, Crazy & The Brains, Loose Buttons, The Fabulous Roman Candles, …

29 New Songs Out Today

So many artists, so many songs, so little time. Each week we review a handful of new albums (of all genres), round …

Phiik / Lungs: “Captain Picard”

The overstimulated, lightning-fast raps of Phiik and Lungs seem powered by sheer force of will. Since 2020’s Another Planet, the Long Island artists …