New York City mayor Eric Adams likens drill music to Trump tweets

New York City mayor Eric Adams has called for the removal of drill videos from social media, likening the music to Donald Trump tweets.

In a press conference yesterday (February 11), Adams said he was sent a number of drill videos by his son, which he called “alarming,” adding: “We pulled Trump off Twitter because of what he was spewing. Yet we are allowing music, displaying of guns, violence, we’re allowing it to stay on these sites.”

Adams said: “We are going to pull together the social media companies, and state that you have a civic and corporate responsibility.”


The Mayor then specifically attached blame to drill music for a rise in violent crime in New York, saying: “We are alarmed by the use of social media to really overproliferate the use of violence in our communities… this is contributing to the violence we are seeing all over this country. It is one of those rivers that we have to dam.”

He then promised that he will meet with “very top-known rappers” to discuss the issues.

Watch the press conference below.

In the UK, it was revealed this month that the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) is to review its guidance on the use of drill lyrics as evidence against defendants in criminal trials.

While the CPS have said that they are not aware of any cases where drill music has been wrongly used as evidence, defence lawyers and academics have raised concerns about the use of lyrics in prosecuting drill artists. They say it can prevent a fair ruling.


Currently, The CPS’ existing guidance for prosecutors’ says that gangs are “increasingly using drill music and social media to promote gang culture, glamorise the gang lifestyle and the use of weapons”.

The guidance also states that issues can “escalate very quickly” due to the “instant nature of social media”.

However, the CPS is now completing a “listening exercise” with academics, barristers, civil liberty campaigners and youth groups to see how trails can be affected by stereotyping youths who have expressed themselves using drill music.

Research conducted by the BBC suggests that drill music is increasingly being used as evidence in criminal trials.

Last month, JAY-Z, Meek Mill, Big Sean and came together to support a proposed New York state law that would limit prosecutors’ ability to use defendants’ rap lyrics as evidence of alleged crimes.

As Rolling Stone reports, the rap giants added their names to a letter calling on lawmakers to pass Senate Bill S7527 – which was first revealed in November and which passed through the Senate Codes committee earlier this week – into state law. Others who have signed on to the letter include Fat Joe, Kelly Rowland and Killer Mike.