MTG Baselessly Claims Georgia Prosecutor Is ‘Guilty of’ RICO Crimes, Not Trump

Marjorie Taylor Greene is accusing Fulton County Prosecutor Fani Willis — without evidence — of the very crimes Willis has charged Donald Trump with committing.

During an appearance on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures, the Georgia congresswoman claimed that Willis is “guilty of” crimes under the RICO statutes related to racketeering and corruption, not Trump. She went on to baselessly accuse Willis and the prosecutors who have indicted Trump of “using this giant collaboration basically to affect the 2024 election.”

Willis charged the former president and 18 others with a variety of charges related to efforts to steal the Georgia election for Trump, including a felony violation of the Georgia Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. RICO charges are used to connect crimes committed in service of a broader objective in order to combine multiple crimes into one case.

“I don’t think [Trump is] going to get a fair trial at all,” Greene said. “As a matter of fact, I don’t think these charges are fair. What Willis is trying to do is exactly what she’s guilty of. She’s charging him with RICO, racketeering and conspiracy.”

Greene claimed the charges against Trump are part of a “grand conspiracy.” “This is a grand conspiracy by the Democrat party to use the justice system at the federal level but also in the states, using these state D.A.’s like in Georgia, Fani Willis,” she said.

The congresswoman further alleged that the charges against Trump are “pure communism.”

“They’re using this giant collaboration basically to affect the 2024 election… This election is not going to be swayed by indictments against President Trump that are really pure communism in America today,” Greene said.

She later added, “This is an attempt to steal the 2024 election from Donald Trump by trying to put him in jail, and they are overwhelmingly going to elect him in the Republican primary, and I’ll argue that he will win the general election.”


Greene did not expand on exactly what Willis’ crimes are beyond “RICO,” nor did she offer evidence. She just whined, “In Fulton county, which is a large Democrat county, he’s not going to get a fair trial and none of this is fair.”

Greene has not yet announced whether she will run for re-election in the House in 2024, telling the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that she is holding out because she may run for Senate or even could possibly become Trump’s running-mate. “I have a lot of things to think about. Am I going to be a part of President Trump’s cabinet if he wins? Is it possible that I’ll be VP?” she told the paper last week.