Listen to Florida cyber-hardcore band PeZ’s new 2023 demo

Last year, Gainesville cyberpunks PeZ released their debut full-length Consumer World, an album that owes as much to sci-fi electronics as it does to blistering hardcore punk. They caught the attention of Soul Glo when the two bands shared a bill together at The Fest, and both Soul Glo vocalist Pierce Jordan and drummer TJ Stevenson included Consumer World in their lists of their favorite albums of 2022. Pierce wrote:

So far, punk and hardcore have shown me their best sides when coupling humor and innovation. Pez, or PeZ(?), have this mentality down pat. From the way they promote some of their more guerrilla shows, one of which I have been fortunate enough to share with them at last years Fest in Gainesville, FL, to the way they thematically and sonically reference cyber-culture is truly refreshing and fun to witness. Many people who mention Refused when alluding to a sound of punk that feels without limits would definitely love this band.

TJ added, “Gainesville computer punks give us this very unique full length that expounds on life under capitalism in the digital age. Join today! (952) 800-3312”

Today, PeZ followed that LP with a new three-song demo (though only two of the tracks are currently streaming). It’s another ripper that picks right up where the LP left off, and I recommend giving this thing a listen. Check it out below.

PeZ have three Florida shows with Spy this week, and they’re doing a three-show California run in April, including one with Siege. Flyers below.