Listen to Eleventh Dream Day’s first album in 5+ years, ‘Since Grazed’

Veteran Chicago indie rock band Eleventh Dream Day work at their own pace but make what they do count. Nearly out of the blue, they just dropped Since Grazed, their first album in five and a half years. It’s a double, too. The band — which includes Rick Rizzo, Janet Bean (also: Freakwater), Doug McCombs (also: Tortoise), Mark Greenberg (also: The Coctails) and new-ish member James Elkington — play at their own pace, here, too with most songs taking on a purposeful, ragged grandeur. It’s laid back, it’s twangy, it’s sometimes orchestral and often beautiful and definitely heartfelt. It’s Eleventh Dream Day.

You can order Since Grazed via Bandcamp. Listen to the album, and watch the video for the title track, below.