Leftover Crack oral history ‘Architects of Self-Destruction’ on the way
A new Leftover Crack oral history called Architects of Self-Destruction is coming out August 10 via Rare Bird Lit. It was written by Leftover Crack guitarist Brad Logan and Punknews‘ John Gentile, and it “traces the band’s entire history by speaking to the band members themselves, fellow musicians, their fans, and of course, those that still hold a grudge against the LoC.” Here’s the full synopsis:
Leftöver Crack is a band of drug abusing, dumpster diving, cop-hating, queer positive, pro-choice, crust punks that successfully blend ska-punk, pop, hip-hop and death metal genres. They’ve been banned from clubs, states and counties and kicked off multiple record labels. They’ve received teen-idol adoration and death threats from their fans. They’ve played benefits for a multitude of causes while leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.
But, if you dig below the crusty, black metal-patch encased surface, you’ll find a contemplative, nuanced band that, quite literally, permanently changed the punk rock community. By combining catchy ska-punk with lyrics that referenced political theorist Michael Parenti, drug usage, and suicide, the band formed a unique mélange that was both provocative and challenging. In fact, the band’s hooks were so sharp that after releasing their debut LP, Mediocre Generica, an entire culture of “Crack City Rockers” grew around the band, pushing the youth towards both the positive and negative aspects of extreme punk rock.
Of course, being the combustible band that they are, the band has gotten involved in its far share of fiascoes: full-scale riots in Phoenix and NYC, getting punched out by their own fans, showing up to tour Florida with machetes after receiving death threats from the local gang.
Architects of Self-Destruction: An Oral History of Leftöver Crack traces the band’s entire history by speaking to the band members themselves, fellow musicians, their fans, and of course, those that still hold a grudge against the LoC… FYI, that’s a lot of people.
You can pre-order your copy here.
Leftover Crack’s Alec Baillie passed away last fall.