If you’re a fan of , this is going to be very difficult to read. Upon first glance, supporters of the Florida rapper were excited to see him update his social media today but, diving deeper, his captions left us all scared for his safety and well-being while in prison. but he’s unimpressed with the way he has been treated, issuing a public statement about how disgusting and inhumane things have been.
“Lieutenant F. Arroyo has been very vindictive towards me and I have a strong feeling it ,” wrote the superstar recording artist to start off his message. He continued by detailing a “conspiracy” against him before going into detail, causing us to worry about the star.

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images
“One morning, she pulled me out my cell to tell me she is going to ‘Take my pretty little girlfriend off my visitation list’. For no other reason but to add insult to my distress. Not being able to see my significant other while locked away in this hell hole,” wrote Kodak before things got even worse. “Also, I was denied visit with my mother on December 23, two days before Christmas. Not only does my incoming mail take an average of a month To get to me but they are messing with my outgoing mail as well. My family hasn’t received none of my letters for the holidays. Which is borderline cruel and unethical, but as if all this is not enough, on December 31 New Year’s to be exact, I was handed an empty tray for breakfast. I brought it to their attention, but nothing was done for me. Since the camera shows them entering a tray through my flap, but meanwhile there is nothing in my tray when i opened it.”
That wasn’t all Kodak had to say. He legitimately believes that he’s going to die in prison, comparing his situation to another inmate who was refused medical treatment for a serious condition, like himself. “They are strategically killing me slowly in here. I have been humiliated over and over again,” he wrote.
Read his full message in the posts below and pray for Kodak Black.