It’s been a minute since we’ve heard anything on and his ex Eva Marcille. For a while there, Kevin was posting that coincided with when he was seeking to get custody of his daughter he shares with Eva. The custody battle and before the matter, Eva made it clear just what she thought of her baby father. “I guess while [Kevin] was going into court he got into a fight with security because he’s crazy, like I’ve told the world a million times,” .

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Eva also previously detailed how she wanted to change their daughter’s last name and on the recent episode of RHOA you can see her taking the necessary steps. Marley Rae will now have the last name of Eva’s husband, Michael Sterling who she has two sons with. Kevin posted a screenshot of a DM he received on Instagram of someone asking him how he feels about his daughter’s name change.
“How did u feel about ur baby officially changing her last name to sterling, and in national tv,” the user asked, leading Kevin to respond: “I don’t watch TV im a star. That happened 6 months ago I don’t re live stuff just because it’s “news to you” lol sorry try again.”