John Lydon hits out at “spoilt and selfish snowflakes”: “It can only lead to trouble”
Sex Pistols singer John Lydon has hit out at “spoilt” snowflakes and woke culture – declaring it to be a “load of bollocks”.
In a new interview with The Sunday Times, Lydon also claimed that universities were responsible for crafting a new generation with “shit for brains”.
“These people aren’t really genuinely disenfranchised at all, they just view themselves as special. It’s selfishness and in that respect it’s divisive and can only lead to trouble,” he said.
“Where is this ‘moral majority’ nonsense coming from when they’re basically the ones doing all the wrong for being so bloody judgmental and vicious against anybody who doesn’t go along with the current popular opinion?
“It’s just horribly, horribly tempestuous spoilt children coming out of colleges and universities with shit for brains.”

Lydon went on to criticise protesters who spray-painted the word ‘racist’ on Winston Churchill’s statue in Parliament Square last year, claiming that “this man saved Britain” and “whatever he got up to in South Africa or India beforehand is utterly irrelevant to the major issue in hand”.
“We are not walking up and down the high street with jackboots and helmets because of that man. The Nazis were the biggest race haters of all, ever, in the history of the planet so thank you again, Winston,” he added.
In the same interview, Lydon also called Danny Boyle’s forthcoming Sex Pistols biopic series “disrespectful” and claimed that production was green-lit without his consent.
The former Sex Pistols frontman said that he is seeking legal advice about taking the filmmakers to court, alleging that neither his consent nor participation was requested.
Reacting to recent publicity shots for the six-part series Pistol, Lydon said: “I think that’s the most disrespectful shit I’ve ever had to endure. I mean, they went to the point to hire an actor to play me but what’s the actor working on? Certainly not my character. It can’t go anywhere else [but court].”