Enter Shikari’s Rou Reynolds urges “personal action” amid climate “red alert” warning

Enter Shikari frontman Rou Reynolds has urged fans to take “personal action” to help tackle climate change, in the wake of a damning new report.

A report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published this week says that humanity’s damaging impact on the climate is now a “statement of fact”.

After climate activist Greta Thunberg called on humanity to take “brave” action to avoid a catastrophic climate change crisis, Reynolds has shared his own tips on how people can help on a personal level.


“After hearing the IPCC report I feel at a loss. I feel helpless,” a fan tweeted at Reynolds. “I do what I can but it’s the big corporations and the governments that need to change and hold businesses accountable,” they added. “Is it all for nothing? Can you give me any advice on how to help? What can I do?”

In response, Reynolds wrote a thread of advice on Twitter, saying that “many people are feeling like this” to the fan.

Under a section titled “personal action” Reynolds suggested: “Change your electricity provider (ecotricity, bulb etc), change your bank (Triodos, coop etc), change your diet (at least cut out red meat completely).

For “political action” he added: “Join your local & international environmental protection or climate justice groups. Protest.”

Going on to say that “structural action” is “the MOST important,” Reynolds wrote: “Learn about the root causes. Then spread awareness. This is why there is a stalemate on proper climate action. So a grasp of structuralism is crucial to humanity’s future.”


“It is important to note: Simply do what you can and support others who are doing what they can,” he concluded. “Keep balance in your life. Do not destroy your mental health. You cannot do your bit if you drain yourself of energy & feel nothing but despair.”

Responding to the latest report, campaign group Music Declares Emergency said: “It is now far beyond doubt that we need immediate, far reaching, global action to ensure we limit temperature rise to within 1.5 degrees.

“Too many promises have been made that have not been fulfilled, too many statements made without the commensurate and necessary action. This really is the last chance saloon.

“Music Declares Emergency repeats its call for net zero by 2030 and for governments and the media to tell the truth about the climate energy. We urge our declarers, the music industry, artists, and fans to join us in this crucial year to make our collective voice impossible to ignore.”

Back in April a selection of musicians also spoke out in support of Music Declares Emergency’s campaign for government action on climate change.

Speaking to NME in 2019, Savages drummer and Music Declares Emergency co-founder Fay Milton spoke out about the need for the industry as a whole to change its habits to help beat climate change.

“People are getting used to the word ’emergency’, but we shouldn’t – it really, really is an emergency,” Milton said. “Every single day that we’re not doing something, it’s putting the world in more danger.”