David Lynch is known for popular series such as Twin Peaks, DumbLand, Hotel Room and more and now – completely out of nowhere – the famed filmmaker has dropped off a short, 17-minute film on Netflix called What Did Jack Do? The movie has arrived on what marks David’s 74th birthday and the synopsis that accompanies the short is simple and to the point: “In a locked-down train station, a homicide detective conducts an interview with a tormented monkey.”

Tristan Fewings/Getty Images
The movie sees David as he interrogates a small, suited monkey about a murder. The duo is seated in a small window-less room and has an unexpected amount of humour to balance out the questionable investigation. The monkey – who can talk – is accredited as Jack Cruz but it’s unclear who really voices the little actor. Many have assumed that this project is the first of a fruitful partnership with David and Netflix and BMD reports that the movie isn’t new at all, since it premiered in Paris in 2017.
We can’t confirm if more projects such as this latest short are on the way but for now, fans should stream the offering and let us know what they think.