Charles Bissell talks split with The Wrens bandmate Kevin Whelan

Last month, The Wrens' Kevin Whelan released his first single as Aeon Station, "Queens," from a new album featuring material that he'd written for the follow-up to The Meadowlands that hasn't materialized nearly two decades later. Along with the song, he also talked to New York Times about his split from the band, and songwriter Charles Bissell. Whelan told the Times that he spoke with Bissell about the Aeon Station album two months ago, and that the two hadn't talked since. Bissell has now commented on the situation on Twitter. "Believe it or not," he begins, "I only just finally read the NYT piece yesterday, ditto listened to Kevin's single (which admittedly, I have heard 100's of times, & worked on, over the last 10 years), annnnnd…I guess there is a lot to say. Or not."

He continues:

But this has been a difficult & confusing last couple of months since all of this came to light, & that’s after a difficult last two years, for all four of us (beyond the obvious for all of us, I’m meaning more band hijinks here), &that after a preposterously difficult 10 years or so for me, making the record while trying to ease into regular domestic life (which I feel like I'm only now finally getting a handle on, some 12 years in). So I’m at a loss how to say it (for once – ha) or maybe more, just how much to say.

Maybe tomorrow…but meanwhile I’m already forgetting if the NYT piece said or not, but yes, my songs have also been done for a couple years & will come out now…as a solo album, I guess. Which is just incredibly weird, and sad, to type. But not a big deal in the bigger world.

As to when that solo album will come out, your guess is as good as ours.