Bar Italia: “Nurse!”

The London band bar italia seemingly emerged into a Matador signing and a flurry of publicity off of little more than …

Fever Ray: “Shiver”

Reverberating through Fever Ray’s “Shiver” are four pleading words: “Just a little touch.” An urgent dispatch from the center of our touch-deprivation …

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Róisín Murphy: “CooCool”

When Róisín Murphy turned up on DJ Koze’s 2018 album Knock Knock, the Irish singer’s grainy, muted vocal textures turned out to be …

Jim Legxacy: “Old Place”

Jim Legxacy’s music is like the recommended songs in your YouTube sidebar all jumbled together. On his latest track, “Old …

Dijon: “Coogie”

Dijon’s 2021 breakout Absolutely was a sublime culmination of qualities that distinguished him from the start: There was, of course, his …

The Dare: “Good Time“

In an interview with The New Yorker earlier this year, Netflix’s head of global development Bela Bajaria described the platonic Netflix show as a …