Aesop Rock announces new album ft. billy woods, Hanni El Khatib & more, shares trippy song & video

Underground rap lifer Aesop Rock has announced a new album, Integrated Tech Solutions, due November 10 via Rhymesayers (pre-order). Aesop calls it a “lifestyle- and industry-specific applications designed to curate a desired multi-experience,” and it’s a largely self-produced album with guest appearances from billy woods, Hanni El Khatib, Rob Sonic, Nikki Jean, and Lealani Teano.

The first single is “Mindful Solutionism,” which finds Aes matching his own psychedelic production with mind-bending, tongue-twisting verses that culminate in an ear-catching hook and some old school turntable scratches. Its animated music video is pretty trippy too. Check it out below.

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1. The ITS Way
2. Mindful Solutionism
3. Infinity Fill Goose Down
4. Living Curfew (feat. billy woods)
5. Pigeonometry
6. Kyanite Toothpick (feat. Hanni El Khatib)
7. 100 Feet Tall
8. Salt and Pepper Squid
9. Time Moves Differently Here
10. Aggressive Steven
11. Bermuda (feat. Lealani Teano)
12. By The River
13. All City Nerve Map
14. Forward Compatibility Engine (feat. Rob Sonic)
15. On Failure
16. Solid Gold
17. Vititus
18. Black Snow (feat. Nikki Jean)