AC/DC’s Brian Johnson recalls drunken hunt to find the Loch Ness monster: “I’ve got fireworks!”
AC/DC‘s Brian Johnson has fondly recalled the time he went hunting for the Loch Ness monster with the late Malcolm Young, who was armed with a box of fireworks.
Sharing his memories of his former bandmate in a new interview with NME, Johnson recalled how the pair headed out on a whiskey-fuelled quest to find the mythical beast while holidaying in Scotland.
“We both had these Land Rovers and we’d taken them for a trip around Scotland – Malcolm loved his fireworks and he’d taken a big box with him,” Johnson said.
“One night, we were four sheets to the wind and staying at this hotel right on the side of the loch. Mal just said, ‘C’mon, let’s go and find the Loch Ness monster! I’ve got fireworks and it might attract it!’”

Recalling their quest, he said: “There we were, going straight into the water in our shoes, up to our knees, and it was freezing!”
“Mal had a drink in one hand, a box of fireworks in the other, and was trying to set fire to the loch. We were just howling. By the time we got back to our wives we had straw in our hair and were covered in mud. What a night!”
Elsewhere in the interview, Johnson also shared his hopes that AC/DC’s new album ‘Power Up’ will inspire a new generation of singers.
“Instead of looking at dancers on TikTok, I’m hoping this album will make young kids go out and buy a guitar,” Johnson said. “It would just be great to get more young rock bands out there, writing their own songs and getting up there on stage.”
AC/DC’s next album, ‘Power Up’, arrives on November 13.