Hannah Diamond: “Affirmations”

Across the decade-long run of PC Music, which announced that it will end come January, Hannah Diamond has stayed surprisingly consistent to her original sound. Diamond has been making twinkling, glitchy pop songs about failed online romances since 2013, singing of deep insecurities in a plaintive, robotic tone. Her new single, “Affirmations,” flips the script, not self-critical but hyper-confident. “I don’t have to be someone else/The best version of me is myself,” she sings, appearing to poke fun at affirmation culture, with what sounds like a chopped Muzak saxophone clipping its way across the chorus. “I’m a business woman and my own C-E-O,” she dryly adds in a voice-mail message on the bridge. It’s delivered with PC Music’s signature winking humor, but “Affirmations” is also Diamond willing herself toward personal strength and new directions.