Allie X cancels upcoming US tour dates due to illness

Allie X has cancelled her upcoming US tour due to illness.

The musician revealed on social media yesterday (March 28) the illness that inspired her work ‘Cape God’ would prevent her from touring across April and May.

Allie X wrote on Twitter: “I’m terribly saddened to announce that I will be canceling my upcoming US tour. Ironically, the same autoimmune illness that inspired ‘Cape God’ has flared up and has left me bedridden and under a doctor’s care. Thank you for holding space for an artist like me.”


The tweet also included a further note from Allie X, which read: “I don’t have much energy so just gotta keep this direct. I’m in the hospital. Sicker [than] I’ve been in 20 years and just in time for the tour I’ve been planning for my whole life. Sad and ironic.

“I know that some of my fans have chronic illness and understand this whole thing really well.”

Allie X went on to say that sometimes her “body just stops working,” meaning all she can do is “lie still, breathe through the pain and wait the weeks or months it takes to pass until I can work my limp up to run again.”

She went on to apologise to “anyone that I’ve disappointed,” and added that she hopes to “make it up with my recorded music and live performances when they become feasible again.”


You can see the full list of tour dates affected here.