NY emo band Common Sage releasing new LP on No Sleep (stream a track)

New York emo band Common Sage will follow their 2018 debut album “Where are you? I’m in Klamath Falls, are you here​?​” (and 2020 EP Might as Well Eat the Chicken, We Won’t Be Here in the Morning) with their sophomore album, It Lives It Breathes, this fall via No Sleep. It’s their first album made with Stay Inside‘s Chris Johns on guitars and bass, and it was engineered by Neil Strauch and mastered by Will Yip. Here’s what band leader Julian Rosen tells us about it:

Me and [drummer] Phil [DiMarco] drove to to Chicago to record with Neil Strauch (Slow Mass, Joan of Arc, etc) and I lost my wallet somehow along the way and the radio stopped working half way through and the Airbnb got our date wrong so people were inside when we got there at like 2 AM. It was sick. We got it all done in 6 days which was personally stressful for me. We ended up writing a bunch of stuff in the studio which was also not ideal for the time crunch. We watched game shows from the ’60s-’80s every night cus it was one of the only channels on the weird cable they had. Neil was like the coolest dude ever. We still don’t know what he even looks like because he wore a mask the whole time.

We’re premiering lead single “Think About the Desert,” which is a very promising first taste and a much bigger, cleaner sounding song than anything Common Sage have released previously. It reminds me of that period in the mid 2000s when some of the more prominent emo/post-hardcore bands were embracing art rock and making records that introduced atmosphere and looked outside of post-hardcore without losing any of their grit. Listen below.