Watch the music video for Pale Waves’ latest single ‘She’s My Religion’

Pale Waves have premiered the music video for their latest single, ‘She’s My Religion’.

The clip picks up where the song left off, hoping to “normalise LGBTQ relationships” through music.

Directed by Jess Kohl, the music video opens with a brief spoken word passage, read by frontwoman Heather Baron-Gracie.


“Life is full of tiny coincidences, pulling me to the exciting moment we met,” she says.

“My madness, only she could recognise and drowning in her own chaos. I saved her and she saved me.”

From there, the music video follows Baron-Gracie and her girlfriend, Kelsi Luck, as they explore a country estate. Watch the clip below:

Speaking about ‘She’s My Religion’ upon its release, Baron-Gracie said the track “isn’t the standard or typical love song”.

“Society depicts the dark sides to a person as unloveable and tends to only focus on the positive sides. I believe to love someone and their entirety creates a love that is freeing and truthful,” she wrote on Twitter.


“Someone that loves every part of you allows you to see and love those parts in yourself. I wanted to write a song that used pronouns because for so many years I didn’t in my music, and now I realise how important that is, to normalise LGBTQ relationships in a world that needs it. Love who you wanna love and embrace it.”

‘She’s My Religion’ is set to appear on the band’s second record, ‘Who Am I?’, which hits shelves on February 12. The album will be Baron-Gracie’s first with the band since coming out as gay.

“I’ve stepped onto a path of wanting to explore myself and I feel confident in myself and proud to own my sexuality,” she told NME earlier this year.

“I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.”