Bhad Bhabie is defending her decision to debut a darker skin tone. During a recent Instagram Live session, the 17-year-old television personality-turned-rapper used Lil Kim as an example someone who’s changed their appearance with makeup and plastic surgery.
“I used darker foundation,” she said. “Lil Kim uses foundation that … no disrespect toward Lil Kim. I’m actually a fan hers. No disrespect to her, but the girl wears foundation that’s too light for her face. The girl went and got a nose job to have a smaller nose like white people. Like y’all don’t see that? She turned herself into … like I said, no disrespect toward her. I don’t have no problem with it. She can do what she do and make her happy.
“That’s all her. But I’m saying she literally got surgery to make herself look like a white person. She’s wearing makeup that’s light and y’all don’t say a god damn word about her. Y’all don’t say a god damn fuckin’ word about her, but I put on a foundation that makes me look tan…”
Bhad Bhabie’s rant didn’t appear to do her any favors. As she continued, she asked, “Who wants to be black? I don’t understand that. I just really can’t comprehend it.”
The Atlantic Records signee drew the wrath Twitter last week after she shared a video herself looking much darker. Multiple people started accusing her cultural appropriation and “blackfishing.” But Bhad Bhabie headed to Instagram to defend herself, noting the darker look was simply for a photo shoot.
“Millions people sick, thousands dying every day and y’all worried about me getting make up done for a photoshoot?” she wrote in her IG Stories. “I’m usually the wild one but y’all need to chill and focus on what’s important right now.”
Watch her latest comments above.