The court battle between and the alleged mothers of his children rages on. The rapper has been entangled with two lawsuits connected to women who claim that Future fathered their toddler children. As he enjoys his time with, the rapper continues to his tit-for-tat with Eliza Reign and Cindy Parker.
In a new report made by TMZ, Future has yet to claim paternity for the children of either woman. The outlet states that Future has submitted court documents accusing Eliza of referring to her child as “Check Baby” because she believes the child will help her get money from the rap star. “Future’s lawyers define the term as ‘slang terminology describing a child conceived solely for the purposes of extorting monies from the father of a child in the child support setting,'” TMZ wrote.
The documents also reportedly show that Future alleges a friend of Eliza’s admitted that Eliza previouslyhere are also reported accusations that Eliza took fertility medication to help her get pregnant. It seems that Future is insinuating that if he does turn out to be Eliza’s child’s father, she got pregnant on purpose and with money in mind.
Future is also hoping that a court will put a cap on any child support Eliza may receive, based on documents she provided about her financial status.